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5 Hot Tips for Working in the Heat

During this record breaking hot summer, maintaining cool heads requires more than ice, water and shade. Remember:
  1. Increased sweat may make objects, handrails, ladders or steps slippery.  Secure items and your steps.
  2. Stay cool – physically and mentally.  Heat exhaustion kills and hospitalizes hard working people.  Big numbers on the heat index can also cause short tempers.

July 2015 Newsletter

Improving Training for At-Risk Workers

Jobsite fatalities remain high for young, Hispanic construction workers

A recent report released by the American Society of Safety Engineers and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health identifies young, Hispanic construction workers as being the most at risk for being killed on the job.… Read more...

May 2015 Newsletter

Bridging the EHS Management Gap between Senior Execs and Workers

How to effectively deliver important information to and from leadership and the rest of the company

Speaking at the 2015 Indiana Safety and Health Conference in March, Debbie Dickinson, CEO and Director of Development for Crane Industry Services, engaged health and safety professionals from a wide variety of industries about the important role they play.… Read more...